Take the

TimeBomb Challenge

The best kinky thrill on the internet.


Get a USB or some cloud storage

You'll need a half way decent flash drive for a "physical" challenge, preferably new for this purpose. Or, you'll need cloud storage that has link sharing for an "online" challenge.


Fill it with personal or embarrassing and adult private content

Nudes are a great place to start, adding things like contact info and social media accounts for more risk/excitement.


Hide it and hope it's not found

Tuck the USB under a rock in the park, or make a series of online riddles leading to the drive link. The only limit's your imagination.

What's next?

The Hunt Begins!

Share your challenge with the TBC Community and eager hunters may come looking for your prize. Hopefully you hid it well (or not)!

Where do I start?

Join the

on Discord and Reddit

Whether you're looking to hunt or create timebombs or just hang out, we'd love to have you. The subreddit is where it started, and makes a great board for posting challenges or looking at timebombs of the past. The Discord is a fun interactive community of kinksters like you, and we love to talk about everything from timebombs to tech to tennis.
Both spaces are 18+

  • Learn more about timebombs

  • Chat about your favorite topics

  • Play games like Truth or Dare

  • Be a part of an awesome kink community <3

© Jen, on behalf of TimeBomb Challenge. All rights reserved.


Helpful guides, info, and tools for hunting and creating timebombs.

Intro to TBC

The concept of the Timebomb, as stolen from the subreddit description, is this:
Take a USB stick or online drive and fill it full of things you'd rather people not see, hide it, then hope it's not found. And if it is, then you can count down the time until it's revealed! *tick tick tick tick.... boom*
To further elaborate, you're hiding your nudes or other content/information behind a sort of scavenger hunt, which can be a physical hunt, or entirely online. You're then sharing the start to the challenge for hunters to pursue and attempt to win the prize. For clarity's sake, Timebomb Challenges can be referred to in a number of ways. The most common are timebomb, challenge, drive, and hunt. The whole thing is exciting and thrilling and makes you the center of attention. It's an awesome, arousing experience, and I highly recommend it. It's so fun to watch hunters make progress, barely miss something, try to get inside your head, etc. And as the pressure rises and they get closer and closer, it gets more intense. Will you win, or will you be exposed?Timebombs are meant to be fun and challenging and entertaining and kinky. Creators can make them any time, any place, and about anything. The possibilities are endless, which is fantastic. The downside is that this can feel too open-ended to people, and the "I don't know how" thing dissuades many people from getting into TBC. This site is an attempt to at least help with that a little bit.As a creator, your first step should be of course to #get-verified (instructions in subreddit sidebar or the Discord channel) but you can start planning before that if you wish. Next, you'll ideally decide on a challenge level and challenge type. Many of those are outlined on this site, but best practice is to start with something simple and perhaps a Green or Amber level. Red level and similar aren't really advised until you've got some experience, but you're welcome to start with it if that's what you really want. I did, and it worked out alright for me, but your results will likely vary. You'll also want to make content for your drive once you've decided on a level. Some ideas/examples are included on this site, but you can also look at past challenges posted in the subreddit for more content ideas.As a hunter, you can also #get-verified but it's not required. Creators might be a little more likely to talk and give hints if you are though. No guarantees, but it couldn't hurt.
The next step would probably be to check out example challenges in the subreddit post, or the #practice-puzzles Discord channel. This'll help you get prepared for what's to come. You can also ask around for help and ideas from people who've been around a while. There's also a few solved timebombs out there that people can share the answers for if you want to check them out.
I'd also recommend just hanging out with the community, whether you're a hunter or creator/prey or just here to observe. It's really a great group of people here in the Discord server, and getting to know everyone is lots of fun and can even help with timebombs in subtle ways. Don't be shy! We don't bite, unless you're into it ;)

Timebomb Levels


Green timebombs typically contain faceless nudes; things you'd find on r/gonewild
They're the most basic official level, and are a good place to start.


Amber timebombs typically contain the same content, but with the addition of your face. A good bit riskier, and easier to link to you with a physical hunt.


Red timebombs typically contain all the content of Amber and Green, plus the addition of personally identifying information. The content will be linked to your identity, and could be used against you. Riskiest, but most exciting.


There's also a slew of other unofficial levels such as blue, black, mortal, and chained. While they're not strictly official terms, and not laid out in the main rules, people are still welcome to do them.

Blue - A drive where no nudes will make it online. It either has non-nude content (like clothed pictures, promises, or erotic art) or offers IRL experiences.

Black - A type of ticket drive backed by red material. While most ticket drive colors limit the possibility to time-constrained punishments to limit risk, a black ticket allows for ongoing punishments that may impact social life outside of the game.

Mortal - Red with added twist to make it more likely to be found. IRL drives must have a clear view of the sky, be in a clear plastic bag, remain in the same position for at least an hour, and be a neon color with a skull and crossbones decorated on it. (See this reddit post)

Chained - A hunt where solving at one color level unlocks the opportunity to complete another part at a higher difficulty/color in addition to the base drive.

Timebomb Types


Physical drives are a timebomb that's put on a flash drive and are typically hidden somewhere, and their location hinted at with clues/puzzles for hunters to find. Common locations include in public parks or on hikes. People in the #prey Discord channel would have suggestions for where to hide a drive.


Mobile drives are usually a physical timebomb that's taken with you. Load the contents on a flash drive and take it with you on a stroll through the city, for example. Tell people where you'll be, what you'll be wearing, a code word to say to you, etc.


Online drives are typically puzzles and riddles that can be solved online leading to a link to a cloud storage service with the timebomb in it. Probably the hardest to make, but usually draw the most attention.


Ticket drives usually have no actual contents on the drive itself, but the contents are instead held with the promise that the creator will fulfill on a prize. If the creator doesn't make good, the corresponding drive color is released to the hunter. (See this reddit post)


Hybrid drives have components from multiple types, such as online puzzles that reveal clues to narrow down the physical location that could then unlock more online content.

Tips for Hunting

Physical Drive Tips

Statistically, the most common location for hiding a physical drive is in a public park. The undersides of things are great places to hide things; benches, trash can lids, signs, etc. additionally, look up. People tend to forget that everything above eye level exists when looking for things. Check the tops of stuff, check in trees, etc.
Dress appropriately. Bring water and a snack, you might be out there for a while.
Try not to look like a fuckin weirdo while hunting, but don't be afraid to really look around. You have to overcome the fear of people looking at you and wondering what you're doing. If it makes you feel better, you're probably never gonna see that person ever again your entire life, and they're probably gonna forget you exist within the next 60 seconds.
Act like you belong. If there's somewhere you're not exactly supposed to be or something you're not supposed to be rummaging around, just be confident and act like that's what you're supposed to be doing. Most people won't question it if you are confident about it.
Also, plugging random flash drives into your computer isn't advisable. Even if you think it has sexy nudes on it. Best to be safe about it and use a computer you don't care about. Be security conscious. And go to a public library with computers or something if you don't know how.

Mobile Drive Tips

Don't be a fuckin weirdo and harass people that might not be the prey you're looking for. If you have to approach someone you're not 100% sure about, be tactful about it.
Bring water and a snack. If they run, you might be hunting for a while.

Online Drive Tips

Get familiar with common forms of encryption and ciphers. Learn about Exif data and image manipulation and things like gmask. Practice wordplay and riddles. Get familiar with common tools to automatically solve stuff. If you're really into it, learn to code your own tools for brute-forcing. Use a VPN or TOR or whatever when clicking on links that you don't know where they go. Be careful downloading things from unknown sources.

General Tips

Think like your prey. Get in their head if you can. The better you can see from their point of view, the better your chances at winning. If you're active in the Discord server, you can get to know many of the prey, and learn about what they do, what they like, and maybe have an idea of things they might include in their challenges. Please don't be a creep though. Then they won't talk to you and you'll be back where you started.
You can also team up with other hunters if you want a better chance at winning. You'll have to split the prize though, so choose carefully.
Also, a bit of etiquette: feel free to collaborate and work together in the #active-timebombs Discord channel, but don't openly post solutions to challenge steps in the Discord or on the subreddit. Many people want to solve the puzzles themselves, and that ruins it for them. If you really want to share, do it in DMs.
Check out the Example Challenges post on the subreddit, and the #practice-puzzles channel in the Discord.

Tips for Creating

Physical Drive Tips

Put a password on your drive and tell TBC what it is. You don't want a random person finding your drive, just people that have consented and are intentionally looking for it.
Make sure to give some clues to where your drive is. If you're too general, people won't know where to hunt at. Don't be too specific though, or you might give it away. Make sure it's well-secured and waterproofed if need be. You can choose to use a really small USB, one that's black, or maybe one that's neon and highly-visible if you're brave.
Don't tell people exactly when you're going to retrieve the drive. You don't really want people there watching you retrieve it. Or maybe you do. But know the potential consequences of that. Also, lots of the Online Timebomb tips carry over to physical drives, if you're making any puzzles or anything.

Mobile Drive Tips

Wear something distinct so people don't get you confused with others. Wear a neon hat or a unique bracelet or a unique graphic tee or hoodie, etc. Have a code word or something so hunters can identify themselves. Be somewhere public.

Online Drive Tips

Encryption and ciphers are a common thing with online timebombs. You don't really have to use those though, and there are examples of others making timebombs without them. Riddles and wordplay work great. If you want a puzzle with multiple steps (you probably do) you can use things like URL shorteners and pastebins (common suggestions for both can be found on the Tools and Services page) to allow people to progress from step to step with specific URLs or passwords.
Use a good cloud storage service for your timebomb. Mega and Google Drive are the most popular. Mega has good features for sharing with password protection and encryption. Google Drive is very mainstream and most people are already familiar with it. Do keep in mind that cloud storage sites won't remove any Exif data from your photos and videos, so you might give away more information than you intend to if you don't strip that stuff first with something like ExifTool.

General Tips

Pick something you're passionate or have lots of knowledge about when making puzzles. It makes it so much easier and can also work as a filter to make sure that you and a potentially winning hunter have common interests. I really enjoy listening to music, so my last red drive was a hundred songs I like hidden behind puzzles. I'd have wordplay or riddles or puzzles that each led to a certain song, which was the password to get to the next step. I worked on it for a long time, but it was more fun and personal because it was about something I liked.
The difficulty of your puzzles will limit how many people are gonna work on hunting you. If it's too challenging, people will lose interest and give up. If it's too easy though, people will solve it quickly. Maybe that's what you want though.
The specific skillset required for your puzzles will also limit how many people are gonna work on hunting you. If your puzzle requires complex knowledge on specific subjects, less people are gonna be able to hunt. You can use that as a filter to get certain kinds of hunters, but if you want the most people after you, try to use things that are common knowledge or that could be learned relatively easily. It's entirely up to you to find the balance that you want. You're the creator and you're in charge of the timebomb. Until you lose, that is.
Google and do your research on all your puzzles. Make sure things aren't a simple Google search to solve (unless you want them to be).
Once you're finished making your challenge, work through it from start to finish to make sure it's all working and solvable. You don't want to launch a challenge with broken links or unsolvable encryption.

Quick Ideas

for challenges


  1. Make puzzles that lead to your favorite songs that are the passwords

  2. Hide links in an MMO

  3. Hide puzzles in a Minecraft server

  4. Hide links and passwords in porn that you like

  5. Discord server with custom commands/reaction roles to grant channel access for steps

  6. Make puzzles with trivia from your favorite movies/shows

  7. Make puzzles with a book cipher from your favorite books

  8. Make an OTP that has to be physically retrieved to continue the hunt

  9. Make puzzles in a recipe/cooking site with food you like

  10. Email auto-responder (that maybe only works at specific hours each day)

  11. Make puzzles about an online D&D game like Critical Role or something


  1. Hide it in a tree you can climb

  2. Hide it next to a specific kind of plant on a hiking trail

  3. Hide it under a pier

  4. Hide it under a dock or under a rock

  5. Hide it under a bridge

  6. Hide it under a waterfall

  7. Hide it on top of a sign

  8. Make a challenge with a bunch of decoy flash drives


  1. Take it with you on a cross-country vacation or road trip

  2. Walk to your favorite cafe and hangout before leaving

  3. Take your dog for a walk to the dog park

  4. Go on a hiking trail

  5. Go for a swim in a lake

  6. Take a walk around the park

for drive contents


  1. Your Verification Photos

  2. Random Selfies

  3. Nudes from various poses and angles

  4. Closeups of your tits, ass, pussy, dick, balls

  5. Videos and pictures of:

  6. -stripping

  7. -dancing, bouncing your bits up and down

  8. -masturbating

  9. -playing with a vibrator

  10. -playing with a dildo

  11. -playing with a buttplug

  12. -masturbating in the shower/bathtub

  13. -DP with toys

  14. -giving a blowjob

  15. -eating cum

  16. -getting fucked

  17. -getting creampied

  18. -bodywriting


  1. Anything/Everything from Green/Amber

  2. Driver's License/Govt. ID photo

  3. Nude consent video saying people can use drive contents however they wish

  4. Nude video begging your new master/mistress to use you

  5. Your home address

  6. Your primary email address

  7. Your work email address

  8. Your social media logins

  9. Your landlord's email address

  10. Your phone number

  11. Your boss's phone number

  12. Friends' email addresses

  13. Home security camera access

  14. Clothing sizes

  15. Body measurements

Tools & Services

for hunting and creating timebombs

URL Shorteners

Bit.lyMainstream URL Shortener. Some good features.
Cutt.lyA few more features than Bit.ly
Goo.glNew links can't be created, but old ones still work
ShortURLBasic URL Shortener
TinyURLBasic URL Shortener

Cloud Storage & File Sharing

MegaCloud storage with a good amount of free storage and good sharing features like password protection and encryption
Google DriveCloud storage from Google. Easy to use and very mainstream.
Proton DriveEncrypted cloud storage from the makers of ProtonMail and ProtonVPN. Still in beta and requires a subscription.
DropboxFairly mainstream cloud storage
ImgbbOnline image hosting. Has autodelete features.
ImgurOnline image hosting. Has albums and options to remove or order or swap photos.
ImgBoxOnline image hosting. 10MB max file size.
UnSeeOnline image hosting with deletion after first viewing or expiration times up to one day. Watermarks the viewer's IP onto images so they're less likely to be shared.
PicPastePlusOnline image hosting with expiration after certain time or number of views.
OnionShareFile transfer over Tor

Text Hosting & Pastebins

PastebinHas syntax highlighting, expiration dates, unlisted and private links, password protection, and one-time links. Allows paste editing if you have an account.
HastebinVery minimal/simple pastebin
Rentry.coFairly minimal, has short URL suffixes and markdown. Occasionally blocked by Reddit as spam.
Rentry.orgsame as rentry.co, but Reddit doesn't block it
0binClient-side AES-256 encrypted pastebin. Accepts text or image files. Has optional expiration dates and one-time links. Has long URL suffixes.
OneTimeSecretSimple pastebin that deletes itself after first viewing. Options for password protection and timed expiration.
BitwardenSendSend encrypted text and small files
ControlCSimple pastebin with password
ZeroBinSame as 0bin
GhostBinPassword field is in URL
TextbinVery similar to pastebin

Encryption & Ciphers

CyberChefCyber Swiss Army Knife. Has encryption, encoding, compression, and data analysis.
BoxentriqCode-breaking, cipher, and logic puzzle solving tools
DCodeHas a few cipher solvers and whatnot
BrowserlingMade for web devs, but lots of useful stuff for timebombs
CryptiiSome more ciphers and encryption things
GeoCachingToolboxCiphers and map-related tools
MorseCode.WorldMorse code translator
HorcruxSplits files into encrypted fragments
VeracryptDisk encryption software
Hat.shSimple client-side file encryption site

Exif Data, Metadata & Files

ExifToolSoftware with command-line and GUI versions with tools for viewing and editing exif and metadata on files.
ExifCleanerOpen source exif cleaner
Exif-ViewerView exif data online
ThexiferView and edit exif data online
CheckFileTypeDetermine true extension of a file
7zipOpen source software for zip and archive files with good compression and encryption features.
QBittorrentOpen source torrent client
TransmissionBTLightweight/minimal torrent client
DelugeLightweight torrent client with WebUI

Location, Maps & Geography

What3WordsOnline map tool where every 3 meter square has a unique 3-word address
Google MapsMost popular online maps/navigation.
CustomGoogleMapsCreate your own Google Maps
RCSatMapSatellite map
FlightRadar24Global flight map
OpenStreetMapOpen source worldmap
OalleyTraveltime radius map
Geo.javawaGPS calculations

Audio Tools

AudacityOpen source audio recording and editing software
SonicVisualizerCreates spectographs of audio
BoilTheFrogCreate a playlist that transitions between two artists

Image Tools

BinVisVisual representation of binary files
FutureBoy SteganoCompare the differences between two images
Aperi'SolveSteganography and exif checking
GimpFree open source image manipulation alternative to photoshop
MagicEyeSolve magic eye puzzles
Easy Stereogram BuilderMake magic eye puzzles
Teal nonogram solverSolve nonograms
ForensicallyPhoto forensics
PixlrOnline photo editor
RawPixelsRAW image analysis
Google Image SearchReverse image search with google
TineyeReverse image search
RevEyeChrome/Firefox extension for quick reverse image searching
GmaskImage masking
Project NayukiPNG File Chunk Inspector
DiffCheckerChecks for differences between two images

Text Tools

Hexed.itOnline hex editor
Notepad++Open source incredible text editor
ReplitRun and debug code online
OneLookSearch multiple dictionaries at once
EtherpadOpen source online collaborative text editor
LingvaGoogle Translate but without the tracking

Video Tools

9xBuddyOnline video downloader tool
Youtube CaptionsHow to download YouTube captions
UltraTech4YouTikTok video downloader
VideolanPowerful feature-packed free open source media player.
Hitfilm ExpressFree video editing software

Discord Bots

Mee6Server moderation, custom commands, reactions roles, etc. The most popular discord bot, but many features are paywalled.
ProBotEmbeds, leveling, moderation, reaction roles. Most features are free, but some are paywalled.
ArcaneLeveling, moderation, reaction roles, logging
DropletReaction roles and role management
YagpdbReaction roles, moderation, custom commands, cat facts.

Privacy Tools

ProtonVPNSwiss VPN with free and paid versions
ProtonMailEncrypted email with free and paid versions
WindscribeVPN and ad block with free and paid versions
MullvadHighly-regarded anonymity-focused VPN
TORPrivate web browser/network to help stay anonymous
DuckDuckGoPrivacy-focused internet search engine
StartpageDutch-based privacy-focused search engine
BrowserLeaksSecurity testing tools showing info your browser might leak
LocateJSPredicts your location using system data and other information
uBlockAd and tracker blocker browser extension
ClearURLsAutomatically remove tracking elements from URLs
BitWardenPassword manager. Can optionally be self-hosted
NjallaPrivacy-focused domain registration service
SignalCross-platform encrypted messaging
Pi-holeSelf-hosted network-wide ad blocking
Redact.devAutomatically clean up old posts on social media and Discord. Delete by keyword, sentiment, and content type
TailsPortable privacy-focused OS

TBC Advent Calendar 2024

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

A lovely greeting card from @dareastrid

Day 4

Hentai submitted by Cassi

Day 5

Elf costume by @jeanjezebel

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16